The highest decision making authority within CIECA is the General Assembly. The General Assembly consists of all members and is the highest decision-making body within CIECA. The General Assembly is convened once a year, during the annual CIECA congress.
The Association is administered by a Board of Directors called the Permanent Bureau. The Permanent Bureau has full powers to manage and administer the Association.
Permanent Advisory Groups are responsible for studying technical and scientific questions and carrying out the related tasks, as mandated by the Permanent Bureau. Currently CIECA has two Permanent Advisory Groups, the Expert Advisory Group and the Theory Test Advisory Group.
Topical Groups (TG’s) are temporary domain-specific groups to focus on discussion and activity around a given area. Topical Groups provide an opportunity for CIECA Members with similar interests to discuss and explore particular areas of driver training and testing.
The CIECA Secretariat is based in Brussels, Belgium. The Secretriat is running CIECA on a day-to-day basis. Consult the contact page to see the address of the CIECA office and how to get there.