Introductory speeches and presentations
Welcome from VdTÜV, Dr. Klaus Brüggemann, President of the Board of the VdTÜV
Welcome from CIECA, Sonja Sporstøl, CIECA President
European Road Safety Policy: Future perspectives, Joël Valmain, European Commission
The i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative, Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission
1. Driver Assistance Technology
- Driver Assistance Systems: Past and Future, Jacob Bangsgaard, FIA Foundation, int.
- Driver Assistance systems and Mercedez-Benz, Jochen Haab, Mercedez-Benz, Germany. Given the size of the presentation, this presentation is available at the CIECA Secretariat.
- Driver assistance systems from a psychological perspective, Dr. Katharina Dahmen-Zimmer, Universität Regensburg, Germany
- Driver training and driver assistance systems, Gerhard von Bressensdorf, EFA, int.
2. Driver Training
- Simulator training and its effects on young driver crashs, Wade Allen, Systemtech, United States
- E-learning applications in novice driver offender courses, Anders af Wåhlberg, University of Uppsala, Sweden
- Eco-driving training and campaign: results of a 3-year project, Kaj Schulte, DVR, Germany
- The use of safety halls in driver training, Anders Nyberg, RTI, Sweden
- The attitude advisor: attitude assessment for learner drivers, Charles Johnson, CAS, Great Britain
- Development of the driver performance assessment, Erik Roelofs, CITO, The Netherlands
3. Driver Testing
- Development of innovative testing tasks in the theory test, Bernd Weisse, ArgeTP-21, Germany
- A new practical test in Victoria, Australia, Antonietta Cavallo, VicRoads, Australia
- New developments in the Dutch practical test, Jan Vissers, DHV, The Netherlands