EDDY KLYNEN - Improving road safety of young people through walking and cycling permits

Eddy Klynen
Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (FFT)

Eddy Klynen has been the General Manager of the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (FFT) in Mechelen, Belgium, since 1998. Since 1999, he has also been a lecturer at VIVES College Kortrijk and at the University Hasselt teaching about road safety and human behaviour. For the European Commission, Eddy is a technical expert in the TAIEX programm (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange unit of Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission).

He is a member of the CIECA Education Topical Group (ETG).  




Improving road safety of young people through walking and cycling permits

In Flanders - Belgium, there is an integrated teaching and training method for pedestrians and cyclists. These are the most important features:

  • Pedestrian and cyclist education in kindergarten and primary schools (ages 3 – 12 years)
  • Based on attainment levels for traffic education set by Flemish Government
  • Graduated method, step-by-step learning process, based on pupils’ functional capacities and abilities according to age

This training method includes the following tests:

  • Two pedestrian tests and one Grand Pedestrian Exam in traffic
  • Three cycling tests + one Grand Cycling Exam in traffic

Traffic certificates are handed out after each test per age group:

  • Pedestrians: Bronze / Silver / Gold certificates
  • Cyclists: Balance bike / Bronze / Silver / Gold certificates

This practical presentation will include examples of cooperative working between road safety and active travel professionals.