07.02.2023. Recognizing the growing importance of fit to drive issues, CIECA has decided to create a new CIECA permanent advisory group, acting as a source of professional and technical advice for CIECA.
In accordance with 4.1 of the Terms of Reference for the CIECA Permanent Group on Fitness to Drive, the members of the group are appointed by the Permanent Bureau from a pool of candidates proposed by the Effective, Associated and Affiliated members, whose application has been reviewed by the Secretariat and approved by the Permanent Bureau.
Effective, Associated and Affiliated members are herewith invited to propose candidates by 28 February 2023, 17:00 hrs Brussels time via e-mail to info@cieca.eu.
Proposals should consist of
- 1 page CV of the candidate proposed;
- 1 page motivation letter of the candidate proposed;
- endorsement of the candidate’s organization (Effective, Associated, Affiliated member).
Interested persons must be
- experts associated with Fit to Drive in driving and mobility issues/assessments;
- able to meet the responsibility of Group membership in particular, able to devote the time and attention required by the activities of the Group, estimated at 12 days/year, not including the General Assembly, Congress or workshops for members.
We count on you to ensure that the two requirements listed above can be fulfilled by the candidates endorsed by your organization.
The maximum size of the group will be limited to 12 experts. In case the number of proposed experts should exceed the maximum size, a selection process will take place at the next BP meeting.
The selection process will evaluate the proposals based on qualifications as per the CV and the approach to the duties of a member of the expert group outlined in the motivation letter, as well as the balance of countries represented.