The CIECA Secretariat attended the annual conference of the E-ATP in Sitges, Spain from 29 September to 1 October 2010. It was the second E-ATP conference, following the first one in Brussels in 2009. Around 170 participants assembled.
The Association of Test Publishers is a group of organisations that supply the market with computer-based tests for a wide range of assessment purposes – e.g. company recruitment tests, college entrance tests, theoretical driving tests etc. Traditionally it has been orientated towards North America, though the companies operate world-wide. Each year ATP organises a conference to discuss developments, display products and talk with existing and potential customers. The European Division of the ATP (E-ATP) was founded in 2005 and was the first step towards internationalisation of the Association.
The conference offered a good overview of recent developments in the field of assessment – ranging from adaptive testing to personality assessments. Lessons learned in this field are also highly relevant for the driver testing area. The conference further enabled gaining an overview of the industry active in this field.
Further information as well as the programme can be found at the following link.