CALL FOR PAPERS: CIECA congress 2009 on Training, Testing and Technology

(In-car driver assistance systems, driver training and driver testing)
Hosted by VdTÜV
Please submit your Abstract and Curriculum Vitae 
(in English, French or German) by November 7, 2008
CIECA, the International Commission of Driver Testing Authorities, and its 47 member organisations worldwide, are proud to announce the themes for its 41st Congress on May 7-8 2009:
THEME 1: Driver Assistance Systems
“How can driver assistance systems improve the safety of novice drivers?”
  • In-car driver assistance systems: historical origins, market developments and future visions
  • Driver assistance systems: implications for driver training
  • Driver assistance systems: implications for practical driver testing
THEME 2: Driver training & education (licence categories A and B): Research and Practice
“What effective methods can be used to train learner drivers in the car and in group discussion format? How does technology impact on the pedagogical methods used in driver training?”
  • Applied technology from a pedagogical perspective: simulators, E-learning and in-car devices
  • In-car driver training methods
  • Content and methods in group discussion / group work modules
THEME 3: Driver testing: Research and Practice 
“How can testing systems provide a more valid assessment of test candidates?”
  • The evolution of theory testing and its impact on validity
  • Computer-based theory testing: advantages, applications and future visions
  • Innovation and research in practical driver testing

Abstracts are warmly welcomed for each THEME (the bulletpoints are only indicative).Abstracts & CVs are invited by November 7 2008 and should be addressed to