13.02.2024. On behalf of MOVING International Road Safety Association e. V., one of CIECA Affilated Members, it is a pleasure to share with you the Industry Report. Driving School 2023. As Mr. Satz, President of MOVING indicates in the report “For the fourth time since 2016, MOVING has taken a close look at the driving school industry and produced the Industry Report 2023”.
The report contains a deep analysis of the main topics of the driving school industry. We would like to highlight among them: profile of the sector; general and company data; costs and profit; consumer prices; driving instructor shortage; driving lessons and licence prices; learner driver training; pass rates; effects of the corona pandemic; accompanied driving; driving instructor training; driving simulators; vehicle fleet; sustainability and the environment; new business fields, etc. In addition, you will find several relevant expert contributions.
For any further information, please contact the CIECA Secretariat at info@cieca.eu.