23.02.2022. On behalf of Vias institute, one of CIECA associated members in Belgium, we are pleased to forward you the below information about The International ESRA Conference on "Traffic Safety Culture and Performance Indicators" that will take place online on 21 April 2022, 10:00-16:30 CEST.
Registration is required. Participation is free.
Download the provisional programme of the ESRA Conference.
The conference is hosted by the international group of partners organizing ESRA, the E-Survey of Road Users’ Attitudes. To date 60 countries have participated in ESRA, project coordinated by Vias institute. Lots of information is available on the ESRA initiative, through a series of reports and webinars.
The conference will showcase the richness of the ESRA data and how it is used in practice for monitoring and improving road safety. Additional topics covered in the conference are the measurement of traffic safety culture and how road safety performance indicators can be defined, collected and used.
The conference will be an opportunity to learn from in-depth scientific analyses of the ESRA databases, in relation to different types of road users and different aspects of attitudes, behaviour and culture. Examples of the use of ESRA data by policy makers in different ESRA partner countries will be presented. The event will also be an opportunity to learn about the next ESRA3 survey, for which data collection will be organised in February and March 2023. Countries can still join ESRA3; if this is of interest to you, please contact Vias as soon as possible at: esra@vias.be.
Benefits of attending the ESRA2 Conference:
- Understand the richness and added value of ESRA data for monitoring and analysing road safety performance and comparing results from countries across the globe.
- Meet with ESRA team members and leading researchers in road safety to network, ask questions and discuss results.
- Learn about the national applications of the ESRA data.
- Learn about ESRA3 and how to sign up.
Visit www.esranet.eu for more information.