14.04.2021. As you know, the CIECA Permanent Bureau decided some months ago to prioritize the health, comfort, and safety of all our members, and, as a result we intend to deliver these events in the safest possible environment for our members and rest of participants. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 53rd CIECA General Assembly and Congress that will take place online from 26 – 28 May 2021, using the Cisco Webex software.
The CIECA General Assembly will be held online on Wednesday 26 May 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00 (CET), and it will be open only to CIECA members. During the event, as always, our members will be informed of the activities undertaken by the organization during the last working year, and important decisions regarding the budget and the annual accounts of the association will be taken.
Effective Members that are not able to participate may be represented by another Effective Member bearing a written power of attorney. Powers of attorney must be received by Friday 14 May 2021 at the latest. Here you will find more information about this issue together with a template that will help you to prepare such document if needed (page accessible to Members only). The agenda and other relevant meeting documents are being prepared and will be uploaded in due course in the Members-only section of the CIECA website.
The Congress, held on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 May 2021 will be open to CIECA members and all members of the public interested in attending the event, and it will be free of charge. With this Congress, entitled “Different drivers & vehicles. Safety for all”, CIECA wants to explore the challenges that new trends in mobility, and the inclusion of modern technologies in vehicles present for driver training and testing. Please note that in order to make attendance easier for all interested members, and participants, it is possible to register for particular sessions each day of the congress.
(1) Please note that the final date for registration is Friday 14 May 2021. For queries regarding registration, please contact Mohammed at projects@cieca.eu. If you have any further questions in relation to the events, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the CIECA Secretariat at info@cieca.eu.
(2) The event will be recorded. By registering you confirm that you accept the recording of the events (General Assembly & Congress).
The technical requirements for participating in the event are a computer or a tablet or smartphone. The online event will be held using the Cisco Webex software, which will provide a link for participating. The access link will be provided prior to the event.
On first using Cisco Webex, the access link will initiate the download of the client software ("webex.exe"). This software needs to be executed or installed (recommended) on your computer. In case you would like to avoid the download, please click on "join via browser". Note: This option is only available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
CIECA is not liable for the Cisco Webex software. The Cisco Webex privacy policy is available here.
Please continue to keep safe. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our event one more year!
The CIECA Secretariat