On 10 February 2012 an extraordinary CIECA General Assembly approved a new CIECA Strategy for the period 2012-2020. This involved adopting a broader scope for CIECA activities, in particular the connection with driver education and testing. It also involved adopting a 2020 horizon, aligned to the Road Safety Framework set up by the European Commission.
Since then, CIECA has been busy following the working programme agreed in the strategy paying special attention to the relevance of driver education with the completion of the RUE project, and the development of the work of the CIECA permanent groups and the initial steps towards the development of new areas of action (i.e. disabled drivers and/or medical groups).
At the 2015 General Assembly in Berlin, the Permanent Bureau committed to give all Members the opportunity to be involved in the revision of the strategic choices that CIECA has made, and also in the setting up of new goals for the organization.
The Permanent Bureau also considers important to involve all members in the definition of the new CIECA mission, vision, and values of the organization. With this idea in mind, the Permanent Bureau wants to give all CIECA members the opportunity to be heard so that all members:
- have a say on the goals to be achieved by our organization in the short and long term;
- are given the opportunity to interact and express how they envisage their future collaboration with our organization in order to achieve the agreed goals.
Therefore, the CIECA Permanent Bureau would like to invite all CIECA members to attend the Strategy Workshop that will take place in Brussels on 16 October 2015 at the premises of the Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI) in Brussels (Chaussée de Haecht 1405, B-1130 Brussels).
We look forward to seeing you all there as the discussions held will have a significant impact in the line of work of our organization in years to come. The input provided by members during the Strategy Workshop will be used in further developing a renewed strategy that will be finally presented for approval to all CIECA members during the 2016 General Assembly on 7 June 2016 in Madrid (Spain).
Please note that this is a member-only event.
- Agenda
- Fee: This members' only event is free-of-charge
- Location: Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI) in Brussels (Belgium). Please download the information for participants.
- Accommodation: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre. The deadline for hotel bookings is 18 September 2015. Please download the hotel reservation form.
- Deadline: The registration deadline for the event is 7 October 2015.
- Working language: English
Please note: If you want to attend the Disabled Driver Assessment workshop on 15 October 2015 as well, you need to register separately for each of the events.