According to the conclusions reached at the last CIECA Congress held in Tbilisi, the revolutionary changes of motorized mobility can only be successful if these changes take the end user into consideration. It is expected that with the increased presence of automation and technology in vehicles, and the driving context in general, the driving task will also be influenced and affected by an increasing number of ADAS. Therefore, it is necessary to learn (1) how these ADAS may support road safety, (2) about their limitations and the risks their use may entail, and (3) how these systems may influence drivers’ behavior. The future driving process will transform the driver into an operator, and the actual driving process may evolved into a monitoring task. Following the KFV Code of Conduct for the Development of Autonomous Driving, it must be determined “it must be determined when human decision-making ends and when safe automation becomes priority”.
It becomes clear that there is an emerging need, which is also impossible to ignore, for new training requirements and driving skills, specific knowledge and a new understanding on these issues. Keeping up the pace with the development of modern technology will required flexible training and testing systems, which are easy to adapt. It is clear that at some stage it will be But in the moment we should think more about the role of ADAS and less discuss self-driving cars.
CIECA intends to become the think tank focused on the development of:
- A clear action plan for the near future (i.e. ten years) for the field of driver education.
- A curriculum for driver education in Europe for the change from “driver only” to “high automated driving” with a clear concept to train supervision in “partly automated” and “highly automated” scenarios, re-examining the global concept of the driving training system.
With these goals in mind, CIECA would like to set up a new Education Topical Group. (Follow this link to have access to the full document regarding this launch). The kickoff meeting of the group will take place on 5 December 2019 in Brussels, at the CIECA office. If you are interested in contributing to the work of this group, please refer to the application procedures to become member of this group. DEADLINE TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS: 4 November 2019.