European Transport Safety Council (ETSC): young drivers and drink-driving report

As part of its anti-drinking and driving strategy, the ETSC recently released a report on young drivers and alcohol. ETSC is urging the European Commission to proposal the introduction of a maximum 0.2 g/l blood alcohol content for novice drivers.
Even when their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is not high, young drink drivers are more likely to be involved in crashes than older drivers with similar BACs. Drink driving is particularly dangerous for youngsters as their tolerance of alcohol is lower. Driving is more demanding for young novice drivers than for other drivers. They need to pay more attention to the driving task and the disrupting effect of alcohol is greater than for drivers with more experience. Furthermore, alcohol reduces inhibitions, as young people possess less developed self-control mechanisms. Finally, they suffer a stronger euphoric and emotional impact from alcohol.
To stop the spread of drink driving, the ETSC believes that a BAC limit of maximum 0.2 g/l for novice drivers should be introduced throughout the EU in line with the EU Recommendation on BAC limits (2001). Alongside lower limits, the ETSC stresses that young and novice drivers be subject to special police enforcement actions.
The full ETSC report can be downloaded from: